In some databases, Numerator has the option to filter by Nielsen and IRI week ending date ranges. Utilizing these dates are helpful when aligning Promo Intel data with Nielsen or IRI sales data weeks and/or time periods. This will help align the dates for overlaying analytical purposes.
Nielsen Week Ending
A date range option in the Date box of the Promo Search mad lib. This is a week defined by Nielsen. The week ends on Saturday.
IRI Week Ending
A date range option in the Date box of the Promo Search mad lib. This is a week defined by IRI. The week ends on Sunday.
Nielsen and IRI Week Ending Date Range Nuances
Numerator defines the Week Starting data range as Sunday to Saturday.
If the total active dates of an ad fall over two different Nielsen or IRI defined weeks, the ad will only be counted for the week the ad dropped per Numerator.
For example, if an ad was active for 3/7/24 - 3/24/24 (pictured in green below) it would fall in the date range of IRI Week Ending Sunday, March 10th (pictured in blue below) and Nielsen Week Ending Saturday, March 9th (pictured in yellow below). This is because the drop date for the ad was March 7th (pictured in red below).
If an ad drops between Sunday and Saturday, it gets mapped to the next Sunday based on IRI Week Ending date ranges.
For example, if the ad dropped on Saturday 2/3/24 (pictured in green below) it will be mapped to IRI Week Ending Sunday 2/4/24 but if the ad drops on Sunday 2/4/24 (pictured in red below) it will be mapped to IRI Week Ending Sunday 2/11/24.
Nielsen and IRI Week Ending date options are static date ranges and unavailable for subscriptions (automated email reports). For creating a subscription with intent for POS overlay, we suggest using a Dynamic Date Range like the last 4 weeks, last 13 weeks, last 26 weeks, or last 52 weeks, etc. These are common timeframes for POS data as well.
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Updated: 11/25/24